Mobilizing Churches
one shared mission
Imagine more than 600 churches seeking to create a thriving, reproducing culture with one shared mission. Here’s the roadmap for getting there.
7 Cultural Dynamics of Thriving, Reproducing Churches
1. Divine Expectation & Engagement
There is daily overarching anticipation that God is working in us, around us, and through us, and has invited us to engage in what He is doing.
- There are regular stories of God moving
- People live with expectation of God moving
- There is consistent deep seeking of the Lord and careful listening to His voice
- There is a clear God-sized vision
2. Shared Interdependent Leadership
There is diversity of healthy leaders, who function out of our uniqueness, and in complete trust of each other.
- There is healthy relational interaction among leaders
- Ephesians 4:11 leadership dynamics are evident
- There is trust and permission to lead out of unique orientation and gifting
- Leaders are healthy, self-aware and function out of clear understanding of who they are
3. Implementation of Clear Purpose and Direction
There is clarity around who we are and where we are going, and people own and engage in the journey.
- There is clear, simple, and intentional vision, values and strategies
- People know and live out the vision, values and strategy
- Leaders and members fully invest their time, talent and treasure
- There is a high rate of engagement
4. Multiplication
There is consistent reproduction of disciples, leaders, Kingdom presence, and church planting.
- There is a clear disciple-making process
- There is evidence of a disciples-making-disciples culture
- New leaders are regularly identified and developed
- There is evidence of growing kingdom presence throughout the community
- There is clarity of where to plant next and intentional movement toward that planting effort
5. Engaging Every Man, Woman & Child with the Gospel
There is a sense of responsibility along with regular and intentional movement toward our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)
- There is clear identification of our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8 Environments)
- There is regular investing in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth
- There is fruit from investment in areas of evangelism and transformation
6. Balanced Ministry
Purposeful, equal focus and investment are given to the areas of engaging the lost, disciple-making, equipping for impact and transformational body life.
- There is clarity and consistency in each area
- The church calendar is balanced with opportunities in each area
- The budget is balanced around these areas
- People are engaged in transformational body life in a loving community
7. Kingdom Collaboration
Locking arms with like-minded Kingdom ministries for greater impact.
- There are multiple partners working together with us for Kingdom advancement
- There is evidence that together we and our partners accomplish more for the Kingdom
We’d love to help you more deeply discover your current reality and the growth areas most crucial for moving forward.
Having more clearly defined reality, we now begin to strategically set out the roadmap for the future. What are we doing to press forward into what Jesus has for us?
You’ve defined reality. You’ve built a strategic roadmap. Now we get rolling! Need ongoing help? Need further resources? Training? Schooling? Counseling or encouragement? We would be glad to join you and help in any way we can. Please reach out anytime!