Why multiply the local church?
Starting new Kingdom-minded communities of God’s people is one of the most effective means to reach an unevangelized or under-evangelized community for Jesus Christ. In the MidAmerica District, we believe the local church is the Lord Jesus’ primary instrument for advancing his Kingdom in the world today (Ephesians 3:10).
As we partner with Jesus in the advancing of his Kingdom, we have been commissioned to make disciples. As new disciples are made, churches will naturally be formed. Thus, we believe the priority of the people of God is to focus on leading people to Jesus and teaching them to follow Him. The goal is not simply to provide another Sunday morning service or fill up another “church” building. The goal is to make disciples – Jesus will then build the church (Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 16:18)!
Whether in a small town, the inner city, rural communities, or suburbia, we hope you will join us in the MidAmerica District to reach the lost through church multiplication!
Church Plants

Providence Church
Omaha, Nebraska
Andrew Rutten, Jared Kliewer

Citylight Southwest Iowa Church
Emerson, Iowa
Matt Keller, Tyler Mass

Citylight West Council Bluffs Church
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Chuck Kizer, Kinnon Behr
chuck@citylightwestcb.org, kinnon@citylightwestcb.org

Citylight North Lincoln Church
Lincoln, Nebraska
Nate Morgan, Ben Oltman

Hayes Center Community Church
Hayes Center, Nebraska
ACTS: Assessing, Coaching, Training, Support
Through the combined efforts of leaders around the region, we focus on four areas in assisting church plants.
Utilizing a variety of methods and tools, we will come alongside the planter and spouse to assess the potential planters with respect to everything from character, to calling, to natural talents, to skills and abilities. We will help planters understand who they are, how God has created them, and how their unique wiring might impact church planting efforts.
We will come alongside the planter and his family in an effort to walk with them through the initial years of the ministry. Coaching will cover all sorts of matters ranging from spiritual health to marriage to ministry and leadership development.
All planters will go through a basic training in church planting that will help shape the direction for the plant for years to come. After initial training, follow up and further training will be ongoing.
Our denomination sees itself as a Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family. As such, we highly value kingdom comradery and the opportunity for partnership in kingdom efforts. Planters will be linked to other church planters, C&MA established churches, and pastors and leaders from around the region to journey together. Planters will also attend annual gatherings of the District and be supported by the District Office as a resource and partner.
Upcoming training events within the District
BASICS Training
BASICS is an opportunity to explore, define and refine the vision and strategy of planting a church. Foundational church planting topics are briefly addressed, and an abundance of time is given for contextual development. Planter’s strategies are then reworked through the interaction of veteran church planters, coaches and other peers at the event. This event is not lecture driven, but interaction oriented.
Church Planting Assessment Center (CPAC) is a heavily packed, four-day assessment for those who are exploring the call to church planting.