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John Corby

· Retired and serving as the coordinator of Caleb Company and elder/Treasurer at ClayHouse Alliance Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado · Serving in the Alliance since 1975 (you can do the math) in New York, Gabon, France, Europe/Middle East, and… Read More »John Corby

Nick Petrick

Currently serving at Relevant Community Church in Elkhorn, Nebraska · Serving in the Alliance for the last 17 years (all in the MidAmerica District) · Family o Married Amy in 2006 o 4 kids (the oldest is 16)

Matt Hayden

· Currently serving at Harvest View Alliance Church in Grand Junction, Colorado · Serving in the Alliance for the last 17 years (ALL in MidAmerica except 2 years unassigned) · Family o Married Lauren in 2011 o 3 kids (oldest… Read More »Matt Hayden

Danny Garrido

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Danny did not grow up in a Christian family, at the age of 28 years came to the Lord, worked as a CPA for Compassion Int. Then moved from Ecuador to the US in 1994, with his wife and 4… Read More »Danny Garrido

Jason Wilson

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Jason is from St. Louis, and has an English degree from Southern Illinois University. He’s married to Sarah Jo and they have 4 kids; a boy and 3 girls. Jason co-pastors Citylight Kansas City Church and enjoys reading, hunting, and… Read More »Jason Wilson

Jeff Keady

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Jeff and Debbie have four children and seven grandchildren. They have served in pastoral ministry since Easter Sunday 1987, and in the Alliance since January 2004 in the MidAmerica District. Jeff is a graduate of Clarks Summit University in PA,… Read More »Jeff Keady